Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Sign your Lotus Notes database with 3 lines of code

Hi All,

It was always an big issue to sign our Lotus Notes / Domino database with Admin or Server ID. Here comes the solution, no need of your Admin or Server ID to sign your agents, just a 3 lines of lotus script code will do that for us.

Create an agent and paste the code below

Sub Initialize
Dim session As New Notessession
Dim db As Notesdatabase
Set db = session.Currentdatabase
Call db.sign(DBSIGN_DOC_ALL)
End Sub

The agent will sign the database with the ID of the user who signed the agent. Then, you might ask "if the agent is signing with the Admin ID, what's the point?" Admin can use the Lotus Administrator to do it , but what about the developers who don't have access?


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